DCIprogram: #MoveShape
" Exported from Squeak 7179-basic.226 last modified on 3 November 2014 by: Trygve"
projection: Context
Class: MoveShape
Context subclass: #MoveShape
instanceVariableNames: 'drawing movingShapeName delta'
category: 'MoveShape-Context'
" System operation.
Consider a Draw progam such as the PowerPoint slide editor. A user can create and place different shapes such as ovals, polygons, lines and other shapes. A Connector is a special line that runs from one shape to another. The line will always connect the two shapes even if the shapes move. This program implements the shape:move: operation.
A constraint of this example is that the code shall be so simple that it can be explained in a regular talk. The code is therefore limited to a single connector. Also, Context classes are sunclasses of Context, the context base class that provides general runtime mechanisms. In this case, the remap method has been overridden to make the binding mechanism easier to explain (but not as general).
There is one Context class with one system operation:
shape: aShape move: aPoint inData: drawing
instanceMethods: operations
shape: shapeName move: deltaPoint data: aDrawing
movingShapeName := shapeName.
drawing := aDrawing.
delta := deltaPoint.
self triggerInteractionFrom: #MOVINGSHAPE with: #move.
instanceMethods: role binding
^drawing at: #Connector
^drawing at: movingShapeName
Interaction: MoveShape
roleMethods: LINE
instanceMethods: role methods
self pointAt: MOVINGSHAPE put: MOVINGSHAPE center
roleMethods: MOVINGSHAPE
instanceMethods: role methods
self setOrigin: self origin + DELTA corner: self corner + DELTA.
LINE shapeHasMoved
projection: Data
Class: Connector
Object subclass: #Connector
instanceVariableNames: 'startShape endShape line'
category: 'MoveShape-Data'
" The line object in the Connector is not visible from outside the Connector.
No outside code can corrupt it. "
instanceMethods: initialize-release
startShape: start endShape: end
startShape := start.
endShape := end.
(line := Line new) beginPoint: startShape center; endPoint: endShape center.
instanceMethods: attributes-write
pointAt: shape put: aPoint
startShape == shape
ifTrue: [line beginPoint: aPoint rounded].
endShape == shape
ifTrue: [line endPoint: aPoint rounded].
instanceMethods: operations
testLineStartPoint: start endPoint: end
^(line beginPoint = start) & (line endPoint = end)
projection: Test
Class: Test
Object subclass: #Test
instanceVariableNames: ''
category: 'MoveShape-Test'
instanceMethods: operations
" Test new test. "
"Set up test data. "
| rect1A rect1B rect2 data delta connPt1A connPt2 connPt1B |
rect1A := Rectangle origin: 0@5 corner: 10@15.
rect1B := Rectangle origin: 100@115 corner: 110@125.
rect2 := Rectangle origin: 20@25 corner: 30@35.
(data := IdentityDictionary new)
at: #Shape1 put: rect1A;
at: #Shape2 put: rect2;
at: #Connector put: (Connector new startShape: (data at: #Shape1) endShape: (data at: #Shape2)).
delta := 100@110.
" Check test Data. "
connPt1A := rect1A center rounded.
connPt2 := rect2 center rounded.
self assert: [(
(data at: #Shape1) = rect1A &
(data at: #Shape2) = rect2 &
(data at: #Connector) testLineStartPoint: connPt1A endPoint: connPt2
" Move. "
MoveShape new shape: #Shape1 move: delta data: data.
" Check final Data. "
connPt1B := rect1B center rounded.
" Check result of move. "
self assert: [(
(data at: #Shape1) = rect1B&
(data at: #Shape2) = rect2 &
(data at: #Connector) testLineStartPoint: connPt1B endPoint: connPt2
self inform: 'MoveShape test successful.'.
classMethods: instance creation
self basicNew test