DCIprogram: #PayBills
" Exported from Squeak 7179-basic.226 last modified on 3 November 2014 by: Trygve"
projection: Context
Class: PayBillsCtx
Context subclass: #PayBillsCtx
instanceVariableNames: 'billCollection'
category: 'PayBills-Context'
" This Context implements the system operation bank: bnk payBills: billCollection.
This Context illustrates that a RoleMethod may call a system operation realized by another Context.
BILLPAYER Responsible for providing bills and pay them.
TELLER Responsible for performing the actual transfer of money.
This role is played by the BB5MoneyTransferContext in this version.
For further information, see Data>BillCollection. "
instanceMethods: operations
payBills: billColl
billCollection := billColl.
self triggerInteractionFrom: #BILLPAYER with: #payBills.
instanceMethods: role binding
^BB5aMoneyTransferContext new
Interaction: PayBillsCtx
roleMethods: BILLPAYER
instanceMethods: role methods
" This example illustrates that a RoleMethod "
" may call a system operation realized by another Context. "
self billCollection do:
[:bill |
TELLER transferTransaction:
(BB5aTransaction new
bank: bill bank
amount: bill amount
from: bill fromAccountNo
to: bill toAccountNo)].
projection: Data
Class: Bill
Object subclass: #Bill
instanceVariableNames: 'bank fromAccountNo toAccountNo amount'
category: 'PayBills-Data'
" A bill to be payed.
Instance variables:
fromAccount (Object) account name
toAccount (Object) account name
bank. Both accounts are in the same bank.
amount (Integer): the amount to be payed.
For further information, see Data>BillCollection. "
instanceMethods: attributes-read
instanceMethods: attributes-write
amount: money
amount:= money.
bank: bnk
bank := bnk.
fromAccountNo: accNo
fromAccountNo := accNo.
toAccountNo: accNo
toAccountNo := accNo.
Class: BillCollection
Object subclass: #BillCollection
instanceVariableNames: 'billCollection'
category: 'PayBills-Data'
" In this example, the BillCollection has a list of bills to be payed. Each bill has a fromAccount, a toAccount and an amount. The solution reuses the BB5aMoneyTransferContext for the actual money transfer. "
instanceMethods: access
addBill: aBill
billCollection add: aBill.
instanceMethods: private
super initialize.
billCollection := OrderedCollection new.
projection: Testing
Class: Testing
Object subclass: #Testing
instanceVariableNames: ''
category: 'PayBills-Testing'
" See comment in Context >> PayBillsCtx. "
instanceMethods: operations
" Testing new testPayBills1. "
| bank billCollection |
bank := BB5aBank new.
(bank addCheckingAccountNo: 1111) increase: 2000.
bank addSavingsAccountNo: 2222.
self assert:
[(bank findAccount: 1111) balance = 2000.
(bank findAccount: 2222) balance = 0].
billCollection := BillCollection new.
billCollection addBill: (Bill new bank: bank; fromAccountNo: 1111; toAccountNo: 2222; amount: 500).
billCollection addBill: (Bill new bank: bank; fromAccountNo: 2222; toAccountNo: 1111; amount: 200).
billCollection addBill: (Bill new bank: bank; fromAccountNo: 1111; toAccountNo: 2222; amount: 500).
PayBillsCtx new payBills: billCollection.
self assert:
[(bank findAccount: 1111) balance = 1200 &
(bank findAccount: 2222) balance = 800].
self inform: 'Test OK'.
classMethods: instance creation
" Testing testPayBills1. "
| bank billCollection |
bank := BB5bBank new.
(bank addCheckingAccountNo: 1111) increase: 2000.
bank addSavingsAccountNo: 2222.
self assert:
[(bank findAccount: 1111) balance = 2000.
(bank findAccount: 2222) balance = 0].
billCollection := BillCollection new.
billCollection addBill: (Bill new bank: bank; fromAccountNo: 1111; toAccountNo: 2222; amount: 500).
billCollection addBill: (Bill new bank: bank; fromAccountNo: 2222; toAccountNo: 1111; amount: 200).
billCollection addBill: (Bill new bank: bank; fromAccountNo: 1111; toAccountNo: 2222; amount: 500).
PayBillsCtx new payBills: billCollection.
self assert:
[(bank findAccount: 1111) balance = 1200 &
(bank findAccount: 2222) balance = 800].
self inform: 'Test OK'.