DCI Example: Dijkstra
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Example in Ruby -- Dijkstra's algorithm in DCI
# Modified and simplified for a Manhattan geometry with 8 roles
# Demonstrates an example where:
# - objects of class Node play several roles simultaneously
# (albeit spread across Contexts: a Node can
# play the CurrentIntersection in one Context and an Eastern or
# Southern Neighbor in another)
# - stacked Contexts (to implement recursion)
# - mixed access of objects of Node through different
# paths of role elaboration (the root is just a node,
# whereas others play roles)
# - there is a significant pre-existing data structure called
# a Geometry (plays the Map role) which contains the objects
# of instance. Where DCI comes in is to ascribe roles to those
# objects and let them interact with each other to evaluate the
# minimal path through the network
# - true to core DCI we are almost always concerned about
# what happens between the objects (paths and distance)
# rather than in the objects themselves (which have
# relatively uninteresting properties like "name")
# - equality of nodes is not identity, and several
# nodes compare equal with each other by standard
# equality (eql?)
# - returns references to the original data objects
# in a vector, to describe the resulting path
# There are some curiosities
# - east_neighbor and south_neighbor were typographically equivalent,
# so I folded them into a single role: Neighbor. That type still
# serves the two original roles
# - Roles are truly scoped to the use case context
# - The Map and Distance_labeled_graph_node roles have to be
# duplicated in two Contexts. blah blah blah
# - Node inheritance is replaced by injecting two roles
# into the object
# - Injecting roles no longer adds new fields to existing
# data objects.
# - There is an intentional call to distance_between while the
# Context is still extant, but outside the scope of the
# Context itself. Should that be legal?
# - I have added a tentative_distance_values array to the Context
# to support the algorithm. Its data are shared across the
# roles of the CalculateShortestPath Context
# - nearest_unvisited_node_to_target is now a feature of Map,
# which seems to reflect better coupling than in the old
# design
# Global boilerplate
def infinity; return (2**(0.size * 8 -2) -1) end
module ContextAccessor
def context
def context=(ctx)
Thread.current[:context] = ctx
def execute_in_context
old_context = self.context
self.context = self
self.context = old_context
# Consider street corners on a Manhattan grid. We want to find the
# minimal path from the most northeast city to the most
# southeast city. Use Dijstra's algorithm
# Data classes
Edge = Struct.new(:from, :to)
class Node
attr_reader :name
def initialize(n); @name = n end
def eql? (another_node)
# Nodes are == equal if they have the same name. This is explicitly
# defined here to call out the importance of the differnce between
# object equality and identity
return name == another_node.name
def == (another_node)
# Equality used in the Map algorithms is object identity
# --- Geometry is the interface to the data class that has all
# --- the information about the map. This is kind of silly in Ruby
class ManhattanGeometry
def initialize; end
# In the domain model we have a general model of streets and avenues. The notions of
# an east and south neighbor are not part of the domain model, but are germane to
# the Dijkstra problem. Though they evaluate to the same thing we use different
# names to reflect these two different (mental) models of Manhattan streets.
def east_neighbor_of(a); return nil end
def south_neighbor_of(a); return nil end
def root; return nil end
def destination; return nil end
def nodes; return @nodes end
# --------- Contexts: the home of the use cases for the example --------------
# ---------- This is the main Context for shortest path calculation -----------
class CalculateShortestPath
# Housekeeping crap
include ContextAccessor
# These are handles to to the roles
def pathTo; @pathTo end
def east_neighbor; @east_neighbor end
def south_neighbor; @south_neighbor end
def path; @path end
def map; @map end
def current; @current end
def destination; @destination end
def tentative_distance_values; @tentative_distance_values end
# This is a shortcut to information that really belongs in the Map.
# To keep roles stateless, we hold the Map's unvisited structure in the
# Context object. We access it as though it were in the map
def unvisited; @unvisited end
# Initialization
def rebind(origin_node, geometries)
@current = origin_node
@map = geometries
@map.extend Map
@current.extend CurrentIntersection
geometries.nodes.each {
# All nodes play the role of Distance_labeled_graph_node. This is not a
# canonical DCI role, since a proper DCI role designates a unique object
# in any context. This is a role in the sense of Child being a role, and
# in a given Context I want to address all the children in the room at once.
# It works fine as a methodful role, less obviously fine as a methodless
# role.
|node| node.extend Distance_labeled_graph_node
@east_neighbor = map.east_neighbor_of(origin_node)
if east_neighbor != nil
east_neighbor.extend EastNeighbor
@south_neighbor = map.south_neighbor_of(origin_node)
if south_neighbor != nil
south_neighbor.extend SouthNeighbor
# public initialize. It's overloaded so that the public version doesn't
# have to pass a lot of crap; the initialize method takes care of
# setting up internal data structures on the first invocation. On
# recursion we override the defaults
def initialize(origin_node, target_node, geometries,
path_vector = nil, unvisited_hash = nil, pathto_hash = nil,
tentative_distance_values_hash = nil)
@destination = target_node
rebind(origin_node, geometries)
execute(path_vector, unvisited_hash, pathto_hash, tentative_distance_values_hash)
# There are eight roles in the algorithm:
# pathTo, which is the interface to whatever accumulates the path
# current, which is the current intersection in the recursive algorithm
# east_neighbor, which lies DIRECTLY to the east of current
# south_neighbor, which is DIRECTLy to its south
# destination, the target node
# map, which is the oracle for the geometry
# tentative_distance_values, which supports the algorithm, and is
# owned by the CalculateShortestPath context (it is context data)
# The algorithm is straight from Wikipedia:
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dijkstra's_algorithm
# and reads directly from the distance method, below
module Distance_labeled_graph_node
# Access to roles and other Context data
include ContextAccessor
def tentative_distance_values; context.tentative_distance_values end
# Role Methods
def tentative_distance; tentative_distance_values[self] end
def set_tentative_distance_to(x); tentative_distance_values[self] = x end
module CurrentIntersection
# Access to roles and other Context data
include ContextAccessor
def unvisited; context.map.unvisited end
def south_neighbor; context.south_neighbor end
def east_neighbor; context.east_neighbor end
# Role Methods
def unvisited_neighbors
retval = Array.new
if south_neighbor != nil
if unvisited[south_neighbor] == true; retval << south_neighbor end
if east_neighbor != nil
if unvisited[east_neighbor] == true; retval << east_neighbor end
return retval
# This module serves to provide the methods both for the
# east_neighbor and south_neighbor roles
module EastNeighbor
include ContextAccessor
def relable_node_as(x)
if x < self.tentative_distance; self.set_tentative_distance_to(x);
return :distance_was_udated
else return :distance_was_not_udated end
module SouthNeighbor
include ContextAccessor
def relable_node_as(x)
if x < self.tentative_distance; self.set_tentative_distance_to(x);
return :distance_was_udated
else return :distance_was_not_udated end
# "Map" as in cartography rather than Computer Science...
# Map is a DCI role. The role in this example is played by an
# object representing a particular Manhattan geometry
module Map
# Access to roles and other Context data
include ContextAccessor
# These data are physically in the Context. There used to be a bit
# affixed to each node used in the Dijkstra algorithm, but that violated
# the encapsulation of the node. Data classes should be able to be used
# unmodified by the DCI framework — except for the addition of roles,
# and it's important that roles be stateless. So we put the data in
# the Context. However, it is logically associated with the Mpa: think
# of putting a check mark on the map next to each node, as it is
# visited. So we put the accessor for the univisted vector here
def unvisited; context.unvisited end
# Role Methods
def distance_between(a, b)
return @distances[Edge.new(a, b)]
def origin; return root end
# These two functions presume always traveling
# in a southern or easterly direction
def next_down_the_street_from(x); east_neighbor_of(x) end
def next_along_the_avenue_from(x); south_neighbor_of(x) end
def nearest_unvisited_node_to_target
min = infinity
selection = nil
unvisited.each_key {
if unvisited[intersection]
if intersection.tentative_distance < min
min = intersection.tentative_distance
selection = intersection
return selection
def do_inits(path_vector, unvisited_hash, pathto_hash, tentative_distance_values_hash)
# The conditional switches between the first and subsequent instances of the
# recursion (the algorithm is recursive in graph contexts)
if path_vector.nil?
# Since path_vector isn't set up, this is the first iteration of the recursion
@tentative_distance_values = Hash.new
# This is the fundamental data structure for Dijkstra's algorithm, called
# "Q" in the Wikipedia description. It is a boolean hash that maps a
# node onto false or true according to whether it has been visited
@unvisited = Hash.new
# These initializations are directly from the description of the algorithm
map.nodes.each { |node| @unvisited[node] = true }
map.nodes.each { |node| node.set_tentative_distance_to(infinity) }
# The path array is kept in the outermost context and serves to store the
# return path. Each recurring context may add something to the array along
# the way. However, because of the nature of the algorithm, individual
# Context instances don't deliver "partial paths" as partial answers.
@path = Array.new
# The pathTo map is a local associative array that remembers the
# arrows between nodes through the array and erases them if we
# re-label a node with a shorter distance
@pathTo = Hash.new
# We are recurring. Just copy the values copied in from the previous iteration
# of the recursion
@tentative_distance_values = tentative_distance_values_hash
@unvisited = unvisited_hash
@path = path_vector
@pathTo = pathto_hash
# This is the method that starts the work. Called from initialize.
def execute(path_vector, unvisited_hash, pathto_hash, tentative_distance_values_hash)
execute_in_context do
do_inits(path_vector, unvisited_hash, pathto_hash,
# Calculate tentative distances of unvisited neighbors
unvisited_neighbors = current.unvisited_neighbors
if unvisited_neighbors != nil
unvisited_neighbors.each {
net_distance = current.tentative_distance +
map.distance_between(current, neighbor)
if neighbor.relable_node_as(net_distance) == :distance_was_udated
pathTo[neighbor] = current
# Are we done?
if map.unvisited.size == 0
# The next current node is the one with the least distance in the
# unvisited set
selection = map.nearest_unvisited_node_to_target
# Recur
CalculateShortestPath.new(selection, destination, map, path, unvisited,
pathTo, tentative_distance_values)
def each
path.each { |node| yield node }
# This method does a simple traversal of the data structures (following pathTo)
# to build the directed traversal vector for the minimum path
def save_path(pathVector)
node = destination
pathVector << node
node = pathTo[node]
end while node != nil
# This is the main Context for shortest distance calculation
class CalculateShortestDistance
include ContextAccessor
def tentative_distance_values; @tentative_distance_values end
def path; @path end
def map; @map end
def current; @current end
def destination; @destination end
module Map
include ContextAccessor
def distance_between(a, b); @distances[Edge.new(a, b)] end
# These two functions presume always travelling
# in a southern or easterly direction
def next_down_the_street_from(x); east_neighbor_of(x) end
def next_along_the_avenue_from(x); south_neighbor_of(x) end
module Distance_labeled_graph_node
# Access to roles and other Context data
include ContextAccessor
def tentative_distance_values; context.tentative_distance_values end
def tentative_distance; tentative_distance_values[self] end
def set_tentative_distance_to(x); tentative_distance_values[self] = x end
def rebind(origin_node, geometries)
@current = origin_node
@destination = geometries.destination
@map = geometries
map.extend Map
map.nodes.each {
node.extend Distance_labeled_graph_node
def initialize(origin_node, target_node, geometries)
rebind(origin_node, geometries)
@tentative_distance_values = Hash.new
def distance
execute_in_context do
@path = CalculateShortestPath.new(current, destination, map).path
retval = 0
previous_node = nil
path.reverse_each {
if previous_node.nil?
retval = 0
retval += map.distance_between(previous_node, node)
previous_node = node
return retval
# --- Here are some test data
class ManhattanGeometry1 < ManhattanGeometry
def initialize
@nodes = Array.new
@distances = Hash.new
names = [ "a", "b", "c", "d", "a", "b", "g", "h", "i"]
3.times { |i|
3.times { |j| @nodes << Node.new(names[(i*3)+j]) }
# Aliases to help set up the grid. Grid is of Manhattan form:
# a - 2 - b - 3 - c
# | | |
# 1 2 1
# | | |
# d - 1 - e - 1 - f
# | |
# 2 4
# | |
# g - 1 - h - 2 - i
@a = @nodes[0]
@b = @nodes[1]
@c = @nodes[2]
@d = @nodes[3]
@e = @nodes[4]
@f = @nodes[5]
@g = @nodes[6]
@h = @nodes[7]
@i = @nodes[8]
9.times { |i|
9.times { |j|
@distances[Edge.new(@nodes[i], @nodes[j])] = infinity
@distances[Edge.new(@a, @b)] = 2
@distances[Edge.new(@b, @c)] = 3
@distances[Edge.new(@c, @f)] = 1
@distances[Edge.new(@f, @i)] = 4
@distances[Edge.new(@b, @e)] = 2
@distances[Edge.new(@e, @f)] = 1
@distances[Edge.new(@a, @d)] = 1
@distances[Edge.new(@d, @g)] = 2
@distances[Edge.new(@g, @h)] = 1
@distances[Edge.new(@h, @i)] = 2
@distances[Edge.new(@d, @e)] = 1
@next_down_the_street_from = Hash.new
@next_down_the_street_from[@a] = @b
@next_down_the_street_from[@b] = @c
@next_down_the_street_from[@d] = @e
@next_down_the_street_from[@e] = @f
@next_down_the_street_from[@g] = @h
@next_down_the_street_from[@h] = @i
@next_along_the_avenue_from = Hash.new
@next_along_the_avenue_from[@a] = @d
@next_along_the_avenue_from[@b] = @e
@next_along_the_avenue_from[@c] = @f
@next_along_the_avenue_from[@d] = @g
@next_along_the_avenue_from[@f] = @i
def east_neighbor_of(a); @next_down_the_street_from[a] end
def south_neighbor_of(a); @next_along_the_avenue_from[a] end
def root; return @a end
def destination; return @i end
class ManhattanGeometry2 < ManhattanGeometry
def initialize
@nodes = Array.new
@distances = Hash.new
names = [ "a", "b", "c", "d", "a", "b", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k"]
11.times { |j| @nodes << Node.new(names[j]) }
# Aliases to help set up the grid. Grid is of Manhattan form:
# a - 2 - b - 3 - c - 1 - j
# | | | |
# 1 2 1 |
# | | | |
# d - 1 - e - 1 - f 1
# | | |
# 2 4 |
# | | |
# g - 1 - h - 2 - i - 2 - k
@a = @nodes[0]
@b = @nodes[1]
@c = @nodes[2]
@d = @nodes[3]
@e = @nodes[4]
@f = @nodes[5]
@g = @nodes[6]
@h = @nodes[7]
@i = @nodes[8]
@j = @nodes[9]
@k = @nodes[10]
11.times { |i|
11.times { |j|
@distances[Edge.new(@nodes[i], @nodes[j])] = infinity
@distances[Edge.new(@a, @b)] = 2
@distances[Edge.new(@b, @c)] = 3
@distances[Edge.new(@c, @f)] = 1
@distances[Edge.new(@f, @i)] = 4
@distances[Edge.new(@b, @e)] = 2
@distances[Edge.new(@e, @f)] = 1
@distances[Edge.new(@a, @d)] = 1
@distances[Edge.new(@d, @g)] = 2
@distances[Edge.new(@g, @h)] = 1
@distances[Edge.new(@h, @i)] = 2
@distances[Edge.new(@d, @e)] = 1
@distances[Edge.new(@c, @j)] = 1
@distances[Edge.new(@j, @k)] = 1
@distances[Edge.new(@i, @k)] = 2
@next_down_the_street_from = Hash.new
@next_down_the_street_from[@a] = @b
@next_down_the_street_from[@b] = @c
@next_down_the_street_from[@c] = @j
@next_down_the_street_from[@d] = @e
@next_down_the_street_from[@e] = @f
@next_down_the_street_from[@g] = @h
@next_down_the_street_from[@h] = @i
@next_down_the_street_from[@i] = @k
@next_along_the_avenue_from = Hash.new
@next_along_the_avenue_from[@a] = @d
@next_along_the_avenue_from[@b] = @e
@next_along_the_avenue_from[@c] = @f
@next_along_the_avenue_from[@d] = @g
@next_along_the_avenue_from[@f] = @i
@next_along_the_avenue_from[@j] = @k
def east_neighbor_of(a); @next_down_the_street_from[a] end
def south_neighbor_of(a); @next_along_the_avenue_from[a] end
def root; return @a end
def destination; return @k end
# --- Main Program: test driver
geometries = ManhattanGeometry1.new
path = CalculateShortestPath.new(geometries.root, geometries.destination, geometries)
print "Path is: "
path.each {
print "#{node.name} "
print "\n"
puts "distance is #{CalculateShortestDistance.new(geometries.root, geometries.destination, geometries).distance}"
geometries = ManhattanGeometry2.new
path = CalculateShortestPath.new(geometries.root, geometries.destination, geometries)
print "Path is: "
last_node = nil
path.each {
if last_node != nil; print " - #{geometries.distance_between(node, last_node)} - " end
print "#{node.name}"
last_node = node
print "\n"
puts "distance is #{CalculateShortestDistance.new(geometries.root, geometries.destination, geometries).distance}"