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can_roles_have_state [2014/01/20 02:24]
gazoot removed
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-====== Can Roles have state? ====== 
-A Role is an identifier, an alias for an object, so talking about a stateful/​stateless alias isn't technically correct. A Role has RoleMethods however, and those are stateless. ​ 
-In other words, the answer is No, there is no state in a Role construct. 
-> An executing RoleMethod can access its actual parameters and temporary variables. It can also access the current RolePlayer and the current Context.((http://​​trygver/​2011/​DCI-Glossary.pdf)) 
-State will be kept in one of those locations. 
can_roles_have_state.1390184668.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2014/01/20 02:24 by gazoot