// Press the Parse button, then press the Run button { double a, b, c; a = 1; b = -1; c = -6; // Math.sqrt(16.0) System.out.println((-b + (Math.sqrt(b **2 - (4.0 * a * c))) ) / (a + a)) // (-b + (Math.sqrt(b ** 2 - (4.0 * a * c))) ) / (a + a) // (-(-1) + (sqrt((-1 ** 2) - (4 * 1 * -6)))) / (1 + 1) // (1 + (sqrt( 1 - (-24) ))) / (2) // (1 + (sqrt ( 1 + 24))) / 2 // (1 + (5)) / 2 // 3 } /* GOLD: line 6: WARNING: Substituting double object for `1« in assignment to `a«. line 7: WARNING: Substituting double object for `[ -1 ]« in assignment to `b«. line 8: WARNING: Substituting double object for `[ -6 ]« in assignment to `c«. ___________________________________________________________ 3.0 */