
DCIprogram: #Greed

" Exported from Squeak 7179-basic.226 last modified on 3 November 2014 by: Trygve"

Reader friendly version

projection: Context

Class: PlayGameCtx

Context subclass: #PlayGameCtx
    instanceVariableNames: 'data'
    category: 'Greed-Context'

" Controls the playing process.
Otherwise see comment in Controller >> Greed. "

instanceMethods: operations

startPlayGreedOnData: dta
    data := dta.
    self triggerInteractionFrom: #GAMEMASTER with: #startPlay.

instanceMethods: role binding

    ^data controller cup

    ^data players first

    ^OrderedCollection newFrom: data controller cup dice

    ^data controller

    ^OrderedCollection newFrom: data players

Interaction: PlayGameCtx

No diagram


instanceMethods: role methods

    self color: Color lightGreen.
    self totalScore: 0.

    | oldColor rollScore |
    oldColor := self color.
    self color: Color lightOrange.
    self thisRoundScore: 0.
    CUP unlockDice.
    rollScore := CUP roll.
    (self totalScore = 0 and: [rollScore < 300])
        [" Not entered game. "
        rollScore := 0]
        [     [    self thisRoundScore: self thisRoundScore + rollScore.
                rollScore > 0 and: [self wantsAnotherRoll: CUP]]
            [    rollScore := CUP roll].
                rollScore = 0 ifTrue: [self thisRoundScore: 0. " Bust! "].        
    self totalScore: self totalScore + self thisRoundScore.
    (Delay forMilliseconds: 1000) wait.
    self color: oldColor.

roleMethods: GAMEMASTER

instanceMethods: role methods

    self newGame.
    " Initialize all players. "
    PLAYERS resetPlayers.
    " Play rounds until game finished. "
    [    " Play one round. "
        PLAYERS playOneRound.
        self leader: PLAYERS identifyLeader.
        (self leader notNil and: [self leader totalScore < 3000 and: [self isTerminating not]])
    ] whileTrue.

roleMethods: CUP

instanceMethods: role methods

    DICE roll.
    ^CUP score

    | score faces noOfFaces theseDies triplets |
    noOfFaces := 0.
    self dice do: [:die | noOfFaces := noOfFaces max: die noOfFaces].
    faces := Array new: noOfFaces.
    " Faces is array, one entry for each die value (1..6) "
    " A value is an OrderedCollection of die with given value. "
    " Index is a face value. "
    1 to: noOfFaces do: [:indx | faces at: indx put: OrderedCollection new].
    " Value is OrderedCollection of dice with this value. "
    self dice do: [:die | die isLocked ifFalse: [(faces at: die value) addLast: die]].
    " Compute score. "
    score := 0.
    1 to: noOfFaces do:
        [:faceValue |
        theseDies := faces at: faceValue.
        triplets := theseDies size // 3.
        faceValue = 1
            [score := (triplets * 1000) +((theseDies size - (triplets * 3)) * 100) + score.
            theseDies do: [:die | die isLocked: true]]
            [faceValue = 5
                [score := (triplets * faceValue * 100) + ((theseDies size - (triplets * 3)) * 50) + score.
                theseDies do: [:die | die isLocked: true]]
                [score := (triplets * faceValue * 100) + score.
                1 to: 3*triplets do: [:j | (theseDies at: j) isLocked: true]]]].

roleMethods: PLAYERS

instanceMethods: role methods

    self with: #CURRENTPLAYER do: [CURRENTPLAYER newGame].

    self with: #CURRENTPLAYER do: [CURRENTPLAYER yourTurn].

    | lead |
    lead := nil.
    self with: #CURRENTPLAYER
        do: [(lead isNil or: [CURRENTPLAYER totalScore > lead totalScore])
                ifTrue: [lead := CURRENTPLAYER]

roleMethods: DICE

instanceMethods: role methods

    20 timesRepeat:
        [DICE do:
            [:die |
            die roll].
            World ifNotNil: [World doOneCycle].
            (Delay forMilliseconds: 100) wait].

projection: Controller

Class: Greed

SystemWindow subclass: #Greed
    instanceVariableNames: 'data greedMorph cup windowStrips greedTextMorph cupStrip text leader playButton isTerminating'
    category: 'Greed-Controller'

" Greed is a simple (and boring) game.
An unhappy DCI experiment.
Obscure DCI code?
Even more obscure Morphic code.

Human layer writes Player class to automate playing strategy. "

instanceMethods: initialize-release

    super initialize.
    self extent: 600@550.
    self borderWidth: 3.
    self color: Color lightBlue.
    self borderColor: Color black.
    text := 'Welcome to the game of Greed.\Play it.' withCRs asText allBold.
    leader := nil.
    data := (database new initialize) controller: self; yourself.
    isTerminating := false.

    " Greed open. "
    | relY cupBottom aSeatMorph left right deltaY |
    self setLabel: 'BabyGreed'.
    windowStrips := OrderedCollection new.
    left := 0.01.
    right := 0.99.
    cupStrip := self buildCupStrip.
    cupBottom := cupStrip bottom.
        addMorph: cupStrip
        fullFrame: (LayoutFrame fractions: (left@0 corner: right@0) offsets: (0@0 corner: 0@cupBottom)).
    relY := 0.
    deltaY := 1/(data seats size+1).
    1 to: 3 do:
        [:indx |
        aSeatMorph := Seat new.
        data seats at: indx put: aSeatMorph.
            addMorph: aSeatMorph
                    fractions: (left@relY corner: right@(relY := relY+deltaY))
                    offsets: (0@cupBottom corner: 0@cupBottom)).
            aSeatMorph addPlayerClassName: (#(PlayerCareful PlayerOptimist PlayerSmart) at: indx).
    self openInWorld.

    self terminate.
    super delete.

instanceMethods: attributes-read



instanceMethods: attributes-write

leader: lead
    | strm |
    leader := lead.
    strm := TextStream on: Text new.
        nextPutAll: 'Baby Greed. \ Game in progress' withCRs asText allBold;
        nextPutAll: ('\The leader is: ' , leader getName) withCRs asText allItalics;
        nextPutAll: ('\with score: ' , leader totalScore asString) withCRs asText.
    greedMorph contents: strm contents..

instanceMethods: operations

    | strm |
    PlayGameCtx new startPlayGreedOnData: data.
    strm := TextStream on: Text new.
        nextPutAll: 'Baby Greed finished' asText allBold;
        cr; nextPutAll: 'The winner is: ' asText , leader getName asText allItalics;
        cr; nextPutAll: (' with score: ' , leader totalScore asString) asText allItalics.
    greedMorph contents: strm contents.

    self color: Color lightBlue.
    self borderColor: Color black.
    leader := nil.
    greedMorph contents: 'Baby Greed. \ Game starting' withCRs asText allBold.

    isTerminating := true.


instanceMethods: private

    | strip |
    strip := AlignmentMorph newRow
            layoutPolicy: TableLayout new;
            listDirection: #leftToRight;
            hResizing: #spaceFill;
            vResizing: #spaceFill;
            cellInset: 1;
            borderWidth: 0.    
    (playButton := (StringButtonMorph
                        contents: 'Play'
                        font: ( ((TextStyle named: 'BitstreamVeraSans') fontAt: 5))))
            color: Color black;
            borderWidth: 5;
            borderColor: Color red;
            target: self;
            arguments: Array new;
            actionSelector: #startPlayGreed;
            actWhen: #buttonDown.
    (greedMorph := TextMorph new)
        layoutPolicy: TableLayout new;
        hResizing: #spaceFill;
        vResizing: #spaceFill;
        textColor: Color blue;
        backgroundColor: Color lightBlue;
        borderColor: Color gray;
        borderWidth: 1;
        beAllFont: ((TextStyle named: 'BitstreamVeraSans') fontAt: 2);
        contents: text;
        autoFit: false.
    cup := Cup new initialize.
        addMorph: cup;
        addMorph: playButton;
        addMorph: greedMorph;
        bounds: strip fullBounds;
        color: Color transparent.

instanceMethods: overrides

    "Bring me to the front and make me able to respond to mouse and keyboard"

    | oldTop outerMorph sketchEditor pal |
    outerMorph _ self topRendererOrSelf.
    outerMorph owner ifNil: [^ self "avoid spurious activate when drop in trash"].
    oldTop _ TopWindow.
    TopWindow _ self.
    oldTop ifNotNil: [oldTop passivate].
    outerMorph owner firstSubmorph == outerMorph
        ifFalse: ["Bring me (with any flex) to the top if not already"
                outerMorph owner addMorphFront: outerMorph].
    self submorphsDo: [:m | m unlock].
    labelArea ifNotNil:
        [labelArea submorphsDo: [:m | m unlock].
        self setStripeColorsFrom: self color. "self paneColorToUse"].
    self isCollapsed ifFalse:
        [model modelWakeUpIn: self.
        self positionSubmorphs.
        labelArea ifNil: [self adjustBorderUponActivationWhenLabeless]].

    (sketchEditor _ self extantSketchEditor) ifNotNil:
        [sketchEditor comeToFront.
        (pal _ self world findA: PaintBoxMorph) ifNotNil:
            [pal comeToFront]].

addMorph: aMorph fullFrame: aLayoutFrame

    | left right bottom top windowBorderWidth |
    windowBorderWidth _ self class borderWidth.

    left _ aLayoutFrame leftOffset ifNil: [0].
    right _ aLayoutFrame rightOffset ifNil: [0].

    bottom _ aLayoutFrame bottomOffset ifNil: [0].
    top _ aLayoutFrame topOffset ifNil: [0].
    aLayoutFrame rightFraction = 1 ifTrue: [aLayoutFrame rightOffset: right - windowBorderWidth].
    aLayoutFrame leftFraction = 0
        ifTrue: [aLayoutFrame leftOffset: left + windowBorderWidth]
        ifFalse: [aLayoutFrame leftOffset: left + ProportionalSplitterMorph splitterWidth].

    aLayoutFrame bottomFraction = 1 ifTrue: [aLayoutFrame bottomOffset: bottom - windowBorderWidth].
    aLayoutFrame topFraction = 0
        ifTrue: [aLayoutFrame topOffset: top]
        ifFalse: [aLayoutFrame topOffset: top + ProportionalSplitterMorph splitterWidth].
    (aMorph class name = #BrowserCommentTextMorph) ifTrue:
        [aLayoutFrame rightOffset: windowBorderWidth negated.
        aLayoutFrame leftOffset: windowBorderWidth.
        aLayoutFrame bottomOffset: windowBorderWidth negated.
        aLayoutFrame topOffset: (windowBorderWidth negated) + 4].
"    super addMorph: aMorph fullFrame: aLayoutFrame."
    aMorph layoutFrame: aLayoutFrame.
    aMorph hResizing: #spaceFill; vResizing: #spaceFill.
    self addMorph: aMorph.

    paneMorphs _ paneMorphs copyReplaceFrom: 1 to: 0 with: (Array with: aMorph).
"    aMorph adoptPaneColor: self paneColor."
"    aMorph borderWidth: 1; borderColor: Color lightGray; color: Color white."
    Preferences scrollBarsOnRight    "reorder panes so flop-out right-side scrollbar is visible"
        ifTrue: [self addMorphBack: aMorph].
"    self addPaneSplitters"

color: aColor
"    self traceRM: aColor levels: 2."
    ^super color: aColor

fillStyle: aFillStyle
    "self traceRM: aFillStyle asColor levels: 4."
    ^super fillStyle: aFillStyle

openInWorld: aWorld
    self bounds: (Rectangle originFromUser: self extent).
    ^self openAsIsIn: aWorld

    "Make me unable to respond to mouse and keyboard"

    self setStripeColorsFrom: self color. "self paneColorToUse."
    model modelSleep.

    "Control boxes remain active, except in novice mode"
    self submorphsDo: [:m |
        m == labelArea ifFalse:
            [m lock]].
    labelArea ifNotNil:
        [labelArea submorphsDo: [:m |
            (m == closeBox or: [m == collapseBox])
                    [Preferences noviceMode ifTrue: [m lock]]
                    [m lock]]]
        ifNil: "i.e. label area is nil, so we're titleless"
            [self adjustBorderUponDeactivationWhenLabeless].
    self world ifNotNil: "clean damage now, so dont merge this rect with new top window"
        [self world == World ifTrue: [self world displayWorld]].

classMethods: instance creation

    " Greed open. "
    ^(self basicNew initialize) open

projection: Data

Class: Cup

Morph subclass: #Cup
    instanceVariableNames: 'isRolling dice rollingSemaphore'
    category: 'Greed-Data'

" Cup rolling dice in a separate process.

See comment in Controller>>Greed "

instanceMethods: initialize-release

    | die |
    super initialize.
    dice := OrderedCollection new.
"    rollingSemaphore := Semaphore forMutualExclusion."
        layoutPolicy: TableLayout new;
        listDirection: #leftToRight;
        hResizing: #shrinkWrap;
        vResizing: #shrinkWrap;
        layoutInset: 10;
        cellInset: 5;
        borderWidth: 15;
        borderColor: Color blue;
        color: Color lightGreen.
     5 timesRepeat:
        [dice addFirst: (die := Die new initialize).
        self addMorph: die.
        die stopStepping].
    self bounds: self fullBounds.

instanceMethods: attributes-read


instanceMethods: operations

    dice do:
            [:die |
            die rollHidden].
    ^self scoreHidden

    | score faces noOfFaces theseDies triplets |
    noOfFaces := 0.
    dice do: [:die | noOfFaces := noOfFaces max: die noOfFaces].
    faces := Array new: noOfFaces.
    1 to: noOfFaces do: [:indx | faces at: indx put: OrderedCollection new].
    dice do: [:die | die isLocked ifFalse: [(faces at: die value) addLast: die]].
    score := 0.
    1 to: noOfFaces do:
        [:faceValue |
        theseDies := faces at: faceValue.
        triplets := theseDies size // 3.
        faceValue = 1
            [score := (triplets * 1000) +((theseDies size - (triplets * 3)) * 100) + score.
            "theseDies do: [:die | die isLocked: true]"]
            [faceValue = 5
                [score := (triplets * faceValue * 100) + ((theseDies size - (triplets * 3)) * 50) + score.
                "theseDies do: [:die | die isLocked: true]"]
                [score := (triplets * faceValue * 100) + score.
                "1 to: 3*triplets do: [:j | (theseDies at: j) isLocked: true]" ]]].

    dice do: [:die | die isLocked: false].

Class: Die

RectangleMorph subclass: #Die
    instanceVariableNames: 'stringMorph noOfFaces value isLocked'
    category: 'Greed-Data'

" See comment in Controller>>Greed "

instanceMethods: initialize-release

    super initialize.
    noOfFaces := 6.
    isLocked := false.
        layoutPolicy: TableLayout new;
        listDirection: #leftToRight;
        listCentering: #center;
        hResizing: #shrinkWrap;
        vResizing: #shrinkWrap;
        borderWidth: 5;
        borderColor: Color black;
        color: Color yellow.
    (stringMorph := StringMorph new)
        font: ((TextStyle named: 'BitstreamVeraSans') fontAt: 5).
    self addMorph: stringMorph.
    self roll.
    self bounds: self fullBounds.

instanceMethods: attributes-read




instanceMethods: attributes-write

isLocked: bool
    (isLocked := bool)
        ifTrue: [self color: Color red]
        ifFalse: [self color: Color yellow].

value: int
    value := int.
    stringMorph contents: value printString.

instanceMethods: operations

    self isLocked
        [self value: (Collection randomForPicking next * noOfFaces + 0.49999) rounded].

    self isLocked
        [value := (Collection randomForPicking next * noOfFaces + 0.49999) rounded].

classMethods: testing

    " Die test1 "
    | dice results val |
    dice := Die new initialize.
    results := (Array new: 6) atAllPut: 0.
    1000 timesRepeat:
        [dice step.
        val := dice value.
        results at: val put: (results at: val) + 1].
    results inspect

Class: Player

TextMorph subclass: #Player
    instanceVariableNames: 'name totalScore thisRoundScore'
    category: 'Greed-Data'

" See comment in Controller>>Greed.

All players are instances of one of my subclasses. They differ as to playing strategy. "

instanceMethods: initialize-release

    super initialize.
    totalScore := 0.
        textColor: Color green muchDarker;
        backgroundColor: Color lightGreen;
        borderColor: Color green;
        borderWidth: 5;
        layoutPolicy: (TableLayout new);
        hResizing: #spaceFill;
        vResizing: #spaceFill;
        beAllFont: ((TextStyle named: 'BitstreamVeraSans') fontAt: 2);
        autoFit: false.
    self setName: nil.

instanceMethods: attributes-read




    ^self backgroundColor

    ^name isNil


instanceMethods: attributes-write

thisRoundScore: anInt
    thisRoundScore := anInt.
    self setContents.

totalScore: anInt
    totalScore := anInt.
    self setContents.

setName: aStringOrNil
    name := aStringOrNil.
    self setContents.

color: aColor
    | w |
    self backgroundColor: aColor.
    (w := self world) ifNotNil: [w doOneCycle].

    | strm |
    strm := TextStream on: (Text new: 50).
    self isEmptySeat
            nextPutAll: name asText allBold;
            cr; nextPutAll: 'Total score = ' asText allItalics;
                nextPutAll: totalScore printString asText;
            cr; nextPutAll: 'Score last round = ' asText allItalics;
                nextPutAll: thisRoundScore printString asText].
        newContents: strm contents;
    World ifNotNil: [World doOneCycle].

update: aParam
    self updateFromParagraph.

instanceMethods: operations

wantsAnotherRoll: cup

printOn: aStream
    super printOn: aStream.
    aStream nextPutAll: '(' , name printString , ')'.

Class: PlayerCareful

Player subclass: #PlayerCareful
    instanceVariableNames: ''
    category: 'Greed-Data'

" Rolls if there are three or more die to roll. "

instanceMethods: operations

wantsAnotherRoll: cup
    ^(cup dice select: [:die | die isLocked not]) size >= 5

Class: PlayerOptimist

Player subclass: #PlayerOptimist
    instanceVariableNames: ''
    category: 'Greed-Data'

" Rolls as long as there is a die to roll. "

instanceMethods: operations

wantsAnotherRoll: cup
    ^(cup dice select: [:die | die isLocked not]) size >= 2

Class: PlayerSmart

Player subclass: #PlayerSmart
    instanceVariableNames: ''
    category: 'Greed-Data'

" Rolls experimentally a hundred times, makes an actual roll if the majority were beneficial. "

instanceMethods: operations

wantsAnotherRoll: cup
    | good burst score thisScore |
    good := 0.
    burst := 0.
    score := 0.
    100 timesRepeat: [(thisScore := cup rollHidden) > 0
            ifTrue: [good := good + 1. score := score + thisScore]
            ifFalse: [burst := burst + 1]].
    ^totalScore >= 300
            [(score / 100) > (totalScore * 0.3)] " Has entered game. "
            [false] " Entering game now. Take no chances. "
     "good > burst"

Class: Seat

Morph subclass: #Seat
    instanceVariableNames: 'player'
    category: 'Greed-Data'

" Room for a player.

Greed comment. "

instanceMethods: initialize-release

    super initialize.
        color: Color yellow;
        borderColor: Color black;
        borderWidth: 1;
        layoutPolicy: (TableLayout new);
        hResizing: #spaceFill;
        vResizing: #spaceFill.
    player := Player subclasses first new initialize.
    player setName: player class name asString.
    self removeAllMorphs.
    self addMorph: player.

instanceMethods: attributes-read


instanceMethods: attributes-write

player: aPlayer
    player := aPlayer.
    self update.

instanceMethods: operations

addPlayerClassName: clName
    | playerClass |
    playerClass := Smalltalk at: clName.
    player ifNotNil: [player delete].
    player := playerClass new initialize.
    player setName: playerClass name asString.
    self removeAllMorphs.
    self addMorph: player.

    | playerClasses clIndx playerClass |
    playerClasses := Player subclasses.
    clIndx := PopUpMenu
        withCaption: 'Please select player class'
        chooseFrom: (playerClasses collect: [:cl | cl name]).
    clIndx = 0 ifTrue: [^ self].
    playerClass := playerClasses at: clIndx.
    player ifNotNil: [player delete].
    player := playerClass new initialize.
    player setName: playerClass name asString.
    self removeAllMorphs.
    self addMorph: player.

    " NOTE: Cannot use 'delete' method in Morph because it handles 'player' specially. STUPID! "
    | aWorld |
    self removeHalo.
    aWorld := self world ifNil: [World].
    aWorld ifNotNil:
     [self disableSubmorphFocusForHand: self activeHand.
     self activeHand releaseKeyboardFocus: self;
         releaseMouseFocus: self.].
    owner ifNotNil:
        [ self privateDelete.
        player ifNotNil: [ player delete]].

instanceMethods: I/O

handlesMouseDown: evt
    ^self innerBounds containsPoint: evt cursorPoint

mouseDown: evt
    evt yellowButtonPressed
        ifTrue: ["First check for option (menu) click"
            ^ self yellowButtonActivity: evt shiftPressed].
    "self eventHandler
        ifNotNil: [self eventHandler mouseDown: evt fromMorph: self]"

yellowButtonActivity: shiftState
    | aMenu |
    aMenu := MenuMorph new defaultTarget: self.
        add: 'choose player' action: #choosePlayer.
    aMenu popUpInWorld.

Class: database

Object subclass: #database
    instanceVariableNames: 'controller seats players cup'
    category: 'Greed-Data'

" See Greed comment. "

instanceMethods: initialize-release

    seats := Array new: 3.

instanceMethods: attributes-read


    | res |
    res := OrderedCollection new.
    seats do: [:s | s player ifNotNil: [res add: s player]].


instanceMethods: attributes-write

controller: ctr
    controller := ctr.